In her collaborations, Dana is attracted by seemingly opposite creative positions. She studies and draws inspiration from historic and artisanal textile techniques as well as the artists who employed it. For “Patch”, her blanket range for raawii, she reinterpreted patchwork textiles and their application by artists such as Gee’s Bend, Gunta Stölzl and Louise Bourgeois. A comment by raawii co-founder Nicholai Wiig-Hansen about throwing the blanket into his truck to bring to his countryside cabin further crystallized her vision.
“This collaboration became further crystalized after my initial design conversation with Nicholai Wiig-Hansen, raawii co-founder. He had said something that stuck with me: “I want to be able to take this blanket and throw it in the back of my pickup truck to take to my cabin.” I then understood that I wanted to design something that is 1) modern enough to be used in a designed space, 2) simple enough to speak to many and 3) casual enough to throw in the back of a truck.”